h3.post-title {font-family: 'Merienda', serif;} = href/>='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Merienda' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> Easier Done Than Said: Rock a bye baby

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rock a bye baby

What it is: baby doll and accessories. My favorite accessories include pretend bottles, sippy cup, spoon, bowl, soap bottle, wash rag, diaper, and blanket.

Where to get it:  Ok, this is pretty obvious.  You can get baby dolls pretty much anywhere!  At Toys R Us I've found great "baby kits"--little plastic bags already filled with all of the baby accessories.  They also have cool stuff like toy bathtubs, strollers, high chairs, etc.  Your child can be playing Mommy in no time!  This prices aren't too bad either, around $10.00-$15.00.

What to do with it:  Playing with baby is a great receptive language activity.  You can have your child identify items ("Give me the rag, where's the bottle?");  follow directions ("Give baby something to eat; wash baby's face). 

You can also target expressive vocabulary, including action words (wash, eat, drink, sleep, rock, etc), body parts, and clothing items (if your baby doll has clothes). 

You can have two dolls, and have your child tell you what to do with your doll.  This can be done in single words or phrases ("eat" or "baby eat")

Sound imitation can include "wah-wah", mama, dada, baba (bottle), eating noises, drinking noises, "pee-eww" (for a pretend stinky diaper).

Action imitation can include rocking baby, hugging baby, kissing baby, feeding baby, changing baby's diaper, patting her back, etc.

Playing with baby dolls is such a great activity for boys, girls, and parents!  What is your favorite baby accessory?  (Mine is using a real newborn size diaper to put on and off the baby).

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