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Easier Done Than Said: Waiting on the sibs: How to communicate during your busy day!
This blog is designed to help families who have a child ages birth-3 who is experiencing a speech and language delay. As a speech language pathologist working in Early Intervention, my goal of this blog is to provide tips, tricks, and techniques for helping your child develop his speech and language skills at home!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Waiting on the sibs: How to communicate during your busy day!
I work full time. I have three kids, ages 4, 3, 1. My oldest two children are already involved in extracurricular activities, like swimming and gymnastics. As I'm sure many of you mama's of more than one child agree, giving baby #3 his fair share of attention isn't always easy. Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't just sit and play with him enough, but then reminded myself to practice what I preach! Turn the time you have with your kids into quality time!
So here is how I turned waiting for big sib at gymnastics into language learning time for Logan.
We had brought a blanket in to sit on, which turned into a game of peek-a-boo. Social interaction, turn-taking, action imitation, and sound imitation.
Body part identication--"where's Logie's head? There it is!" while patting his head (using a really excited tone of voice by the way--the other parents were probably so annoyed with me). After a few trials, when I said "where's your head", by golly little Logie reached up and touched his own head! We started the game for "belly" too before little man lost interest.
But, those two little activities alone added up to a good 15 minutes of interaction. We laughed, smiled, felt connected, and had fun--and hopefully next time I say "where's your head", Logan will reach up and pat his sweet little noggin.
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